2023 Fall Door County Well Testing Program Annoucement

The University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh (UWO) will once again offer a well water quality testing program for Door County residents.  The testing parameters will include Total Coliforms/E. coli (qualitifcation) and Nitrate.  The cost for $30.00 for the first 300 registrants and $45.00 for those registering after the first 300 registrants.


  • RSVP using the link or QR code by September 22nd
  • Receive a sampling kit in mail
  • Attend a virtual forum to learn how to sample
  • Return your kit October 6th or 7th at designated drop-off locations
  • Receive your results & countywide summare of study

Registration accepted through September 22nd: RSVP online at https://uwo.sh/doorco-wells-fall23

MarK your calendars for the sample drop-off date of October 6th or 7th.